“SPECTROBLUE ICP-OES是需要低成本、高通量光谱解决方案的环境实验室的理想分析仪器系统。SPECTROBLUE的设计目标就是为将稳定、不间断运行和通量与灵敏度和分辨率同样看重的常规实验室分析提供新性能水平的仪器,将超可靠的设计与不妥协的技术创新相结合,实现了在同类产品中成本最低,”ICP-OES产品经理Olaf Schulz说到。
斯派克公司电感耦合等离子体发射光谱仪新品 SPECTROBLUE
一个强大的发生器设计,配备充足的动力储备,能够处理最极端的等离子负载。发生器高功率陶瓷管的热量通过创新的风冷技术进行冷却,取代了原来的价格昂贵的外部水冷却系统。Olaf Schulz解释说:“通过简化SPECTROBLUE设计,我们降低了仪器的初始购买价格和其经营成本。为了满足高通量分析实验室的需求,SPECTROBLUE专门开发了经过验证的发生器,可以提供极强的运行时间、稳定性和可靠性。”
SPECTRO is one of the worldwide leading suppliers of analytical instruments for optical emission and X-ray fluorescence spectrometry. As a member of the AMETEK Materials Analysis Division, SPECTRO manufactures advanced instruments, develops the best solutions for strongly varying applications and provides exemplary customer service. SPECTRO’s products are exemplified by unique technical capabilities that deliver measureable benefits to the customer. From its foundation in 1979 until today, more than 30,000 analytical instruments have been delivered to customers around the world.
AMETEK, Inc. is a leading global manufacturer of electronic instruments and electric motors with annualized sales of approximately 3.0 billion US$. AMETEK’s corporate growth plan is based on four key strategies: Operative excellence, strategic acquisitions and alliances, geographic and market expansion as well as new products. AMETEK’s common stock is a component of the S&P MidCap 400 Index and the Russell 1000 Index.